How much is my house worth?

In Albuquerque median sales prices ranges between $180,000 and $220,000. The exact price of your own home will depend on its size, neighborhood, and lots of other factors.

Check out our Pricing Strategy to see how we can best value your home and price it to sell in today’s market.

How long will it take to sell my home?

Right now, in Albuquerque, houses spend around 30-60 days on the market before they sell, although the time varies wildly based on area and price.

So, price competitively and make sure that you are getting the place in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Our Marketing Plan will ensure that exposure is maximized.

Is there a “best time” to put my house on the market?

Along with economic factors such as supply and demand, the time of year you choose to sell can impact both the length of time it takes to sell your home and its ultimate selling price.

Typically, the real estate market picks up around February, continues strong through late May and June, and tapers off during July and August. The summer is usually the busiest time for moving since school is out and buyers may be looking to get their children in school before the new school year. September through November generally marks a rally not as strong as late winter and spring, followed by a slowdown from Thanksgiving through and beyond the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

Should I be present when buyers view my house?

NO! There is not any situation in which this is appropriate. Having the owner in the house makes the buyers uncomfortable. They feel as though they can’t make comments or ask questions that could be offensive. The owner—who has a history and attachment to the house—has the tendency to argue if a potential buyer makes a comment that could be a little negative. This can turn off buyers and lose you offers.

Is staging really important?

On average, a staged home sells 88% faster—and for 20% more money—than a home that’s left as is. The reason it works, of course, is it gives buyers a “stage” onto which they can play out their home-owning fantasies and envision themselves living in your home. Give would-be homeowners a blank canvass that they can mentally fill with their loved ones and themselves.

When we walk-through the home, we will give various staging suggestions in our development on the selling strategy,

How much needs to be done to my house before putting it on the market?

Many sellers have extreme anxiety over the thought of having to clear out and fix up their home, so much so that it can prevent them from putting the place on the market in the first place.

However, very often, there’s far less to do than homeowners think. So before spending months and millions (figuratively) upgrading your place—or just throwing up your hands and giving up before you begin, check our our Pre-Listing Checklist for some tips. Then, let us have a look at it and build a strategy. You might be pleasantly surprised by your current sales prospects.